Protecting Dog Guests: Safeguarding Against Airborne Pathogens at Dream Katcher Lodge

Dog Respiratory Illness …  how we protect our dog guests from airborne pathogens at Dream Katcher Lodge. 1. We require current vaccinations against Canine Influenza, Bordetella, and Parainfluenza, which are the only respiratory organisms for which vaccines have been developed.  Vaccines are not 100% effective, but offer the best protection that veterinary medicine can provide.…

Maecenas feugiat

Rhoncus dolor – semper malesuada ipsumaccumsan mauris id consectetur sem! Phasellus quis risus eu risus eleifend molestie non ac nulla. Nullam et volutpat elit. Fusce auctor turpis nibh, id commodo tellus dictum sit amet. Suspendisse pulvinar nulla et lacus fringilla sem. Cras pulvinar enim ut rhoncus faucibus. Cras quis eleifend purus. In quis congue felis, sit amet…